Monday, July 27, 2009

victory dance

I love ebay. I mean really love it. Love-it-so-much-why-don't-i-marry-it?-love-it. There's not enough words in the English language to describe how much I love it kind of love it.

I mean it's like shopping, only better. Because you get to find that one perfect prop, or costume piece or makeup pallet you've been dreaming of, and then you get to save a little money and more importantly you get to kick some serious ass. Because it's not shopping, it's WINNING. It's like black friday when you're at an expensive store and there's only one cashmere sweater left in your size and it's marked down by like 90% and some other woman reaches out to take it off the shelf and so you kick her in the teeth and grab it and run to the register and oh good glory it's yours.
Except much less violent. And also you can do it in your pajamas while watching HGTV and eating pizza.

I've been working on restocking my makeup kit with some better products, and one thing I really desperately wanted was some good quality HD primer. And I got some sweet smashbox hd photo finish stuff off ebay for like 20$ less than retail price plus some sweet free shipping. VICTORRRY! The best part was the thrill of putting in the winning bid with less than 3 seconds to go. The second best part is I can win all the makeup I want and justify it to my self as "career supplies" because on ocasion I do makeup on student films. it's a win-win-win situation. Or something like that.